
Inear Monitors

Choose your best

AE12 Pro

With 6 drivers (2Low, 2Mid, 2Hi), a 3 way crossover and 3 acoustically sound channels, It becomes a dream come true for musicians and sound engineers. The most impressive sound you will ever listen to.

AE10 Pro

With 5 drivers (2Low, 2Mid, 1Hi), 3 way crossover and 3 sound channels, has become the preferred tool among sound engineers and bassist due to the dreamy low response. Excellent instrument of music you will never want to take off.

AE08 Pro

With 4 Drivers (2Low, 1Mid, 1Hi), 3 way crossover and 2 acoustically tuned sound channels. Our first 3 way model, definitely a work of art. The preferred for it’s incredible depth of sound and dream price.

AE06 Pro

With 3 drivers (1 Dual Low / Mid - 1 Hi ), 2 ways crossover and 2 acoustically tuned sound channels, is becoming the standard product with an exquisite movement of sound that will captivate your ears and fill you with energy.

AE04 Pro

With 2 drivers (1Low / Mid, 1Hi), 2 way crossover and 2 sound channels. This product an excellent option for beginners and professionals on the stage or in the studio. Without a doubt the best way to listen to music on a whole new level.

AE04 Full Range

With 2 drivers full Range, and 2 sound channels. An excellent option for athletes, beginners in the music industry or for those who just simply love to listen to music. Comfortable with an excellent quality of sound.

Why Choose Us?

We’re Creative

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We’re Punctual

Proin fringilla augue at maximus vestibulum. Nam pulvinar vitae neque et porttitor. Praesent sed nisi eleifend, lorem fermentum orci sit amet, iaculis libero.

We have magic

Curabitur iaculis accumsan augue, nec finibus mauris pretium eu. Duis placerat ex gravida nibh tristique porta. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse ultricies eros blandit.